To set your default FTE entitlement for any event type you need to access the event manager settings.
You can access this area by going to Settings > Calendar & Planner > Event Manager
Once in the event manager, you will see every event has a ‘1’ rule next to it in the ‘Rules’ column.
To update the FTE entitlement for this event, click into the rule by clicking on the ‘1’.
From here you will see this screen and be able to click the edit icon on the right to go into the rule to make changes.
Please bear in mind that you may have several rules for each event, so be sure to make these updates where necessary across all the rules for each event.
In the first screen after clicking edit, you can choose to update the rule name as well as who is included in it. This might be best to review once you have updated the rule itself and you understand what it is doing.
Once you are happy to proceed into the next screen to view and update the rule settings click next and you will see the following screen.
There are several setting options in this rule, the items with the red boxed outline are where you can define the FTE entitlement for this event in both days and hours. Once these are set and saved, the system will then refer to this setting whenever entitlements renew each year and when LOS accruals take place.