To add a new event type to the calendar and decide which employees will be able to use it, you need to visit the ‘Event Manager’ in the main system settings.
You can access this area by going to Settings > Calendar & Planner > Event Manager
Once in this screen, you will see the following.
The ‘Create’ option highlighted in the top right-hand corner will allow you to start adding a new event type.
Click that and you will see the following screen where you can enter the event name and icon of choice for display in the calendars.
Here you can also decide which of the two core types it falls under between a ‘Working’ event type such as Training, Conference or 1-2-1, or if it is a ‘Time-Off’ event type such as Parental Leave, Study Leave, Jury Service etc. (Sickness is updated through the ‘Sickness’ event specifically)
Then choose your icon from the default library by clicking on the ‘Select event icon and colour’ option.
Once done and saved you will then see the event added to the initial event manager screen list with a rule already created and assigned to everyone but with no rule settings applied. Therefore to update any of these settings such as entitlement options, approvals needed etc, you can click into the rule for this event and make the necessary updates.