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Settings - Event Manager
Settings - Event Manager

This article explains how to access and use the Event Manager settings area.

Updated over a week ago

1. To access the event manager settings, click on the settings icon in the left hand navigation menu.

2. Once you click in the settings area, you will then be able to select the area 'Calendar and Planner'. You will first arrive in the 'General' section by default.

3. To get to the event manager from here, just click 'Event Manager' in the left hand navigation menu.

4. Once in the event manager area, you will be presented with this screen.

5. Click on the name of the event you wish to manage to go to the editor.

Category - In this screen you will be able to allocate the event into one of the three main categories - Working, Time-Off and Sickness.

Display Name - Once you have selected the category, you can edit the name of the event (the name that is displayed in the list to employees and in the calendars when booked)

Icon and Colour - Below the name you can select the icon and core colour you wish this event to display with on the calendar when booked.

Make Private - This will mean this events details including reasons and comments/notes, will not be shared between team members, only the event type and its duration.

Click save to apply any changes you have made.

6. Rules: Events (Non-Sickness)

To manage existing, and create new rules for events in the system, click on the '1' icon next to the event in the 'Rules' column.

You will then be presented with this screen where you can see and manage the existing default rule, as well as create additional new rules against this event.

Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 16.17.32

7. Click the

icon to edit the exiting rule. You will then be presented with this screen.

Event name - This is where you can rename an event if it was a custom creation, you will notice default events like 'Holiday' in the example above, cannot be renamed as they are standard.

Name of rule - This is simply the name of the rule you are applying, we advise giving a name that will make it clear what the rule does or who it is for, e.g. A rule for all directors holidays to be sent to HR/Administrators would be labelled - 'Directors: HR Approval' or something along that line.

Assign to - This is where you can select the group of employees that this rule is applicable to, this could be Directors, Managers, Contractors, Employee's with multiple roles or simply Everyone.

Exclude people - This is used to filter out specific people from a larger group that has been selected in the 'Applied to' field. For example, you may want a rule that applies to all employees so you selected 'Applied to - Everyone' but you want to exclude the CEO. In an example like this, you can enter in the name or the job title of the person/people you wish to exclude from the group this rule is assigned to.

8. Once you have completed this screen, you can click 'Next' to go proceed to the following screen where all of the rule parameters can then be applied.

Request approval - Enabling this will mean that when an employee requests to book this event, the approval workflow will be applied and a request to authorise 'To do' will be sent to the manager to action. If turned off, this will auto-approve upon the employee booking.

Max days in a row - Apply a limit in days of the maximum duration this event can be booked in a single request.

Entitlement deduction - Enabling this option will mean the duration of booked events will deduct from the employees entitlement for this specific event.

Allow to book outside of work pattern - This option allows this event to be booked by employees on a 'Non-Working Day' however, you can only apply this option to an event if it does not deduct from an entitlement.

Default FTE allowance (days) - This is where you can state what a full time employee's standard annual entitlement is for this event type when tracked in days.

Default FTE allowance (hours) - This is where you can state what a full time employee's standard annual entitlement is for this event type when tracked in hours.

Allow to book over entitlement - Enabling this option will allow an employee to exceed their remaining entitlement when requesting this event type meaning they could go into a negative balance. This would be recommended in instances where people accrue the entitlement.

Accrual system - Enable this if the entitlement is accrued over a period rather than being pro-rata'd from year start/start date to year end. Once enabled you will see the following options appear to set the accrual frequency and amount.

Accrual start date - When does the entitlement start to accrue from (if it isn't already set for a future date, then select today to put this into immediate effect for all employees that it applies to.

Accrual intervals - Here you can choose if this rule applies the accrued entitlement on a weekly or monthly basis.

Accrual interval entitlement (days) - The amount an employee on this rule accrues within the given period. E.g. A full time employee accrues 2.5 days per Month.

Accrual interval entitlement (hours) - The amount an employee on this rule accrues within the given period. E.g. A full time employee accrues 20 hours per Month.

Carryover - Enabling this option will allow you to set a carryover rule within this greater rule. When turned on, you will see these additional fields appear where you can set the carryover limit in both days and hours for all employees included in the rule. This will then be applied up to the limit for any employees with remaining entitlement at the turn of the holiday year.

Subject to length of service - Enabling this will present you with an additional section (shown below) where you can add length of service intervals where the entitlement increases. E.g. Employee entitlement increases by 2 days after 5 years service.

Click 'Add more' to add a LOS interval where the entitlement will increase automatically. Then you will see the fields that you can complete to apply the time in months when this is applied, the entitlement accrued at that point in days and hours as well as the max entitlement that employees cannot exceed.

Example below.

Once you have applied all of the options you require, you can save the rule and exit.

If you want to create a brand new rule with all of these options available, just select 'Create' from the first screen.

9. Rules Sickness Event - Click on the '1' icon under the rules column next to the reason 'Sickness' to access the sickness rules to edit them. You will be presented with the following screen.

To make changes to the existing sickness rules, click on the edit icon next to the delete 'bin' to progress to this next screen.

Fit note required - This being enabled will generate a 'Provide your fit note' task in 'To do's' for an employee when returning to work from this sickness absence type.

Return to work required - This being enabled will generate the 'Submit & Review Return to Work' tasks in 'To do's' for an employee and manager when returning to work from this sickness absence type.

Paid - This will determine whether this shows as a paid/unpaid absence type when reporting on paid status.

Include in absence scheme - This will determine whether sickness absences of this type will count towards your absence scheme/scale that is showing in the employee planner.

Click 'Done' to apply any changes you have made.

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