You can set LOS (Length of Service) Rules in your system to allow automatic updates to user entitlements for extended service.
For example after 5 years of continuous service you get awarded an additional day to use for holiday for every year forward. After 10 Years you get another day, so 2 extra days on top of your ordinary entitlement.
The way the LOS rules work is to award the additional days to start the new holiday year. For example if your holiday year is Jan - Dec then the LOS days will be awarded to staff on January 1st.
Example; I hit my LOS on August the 1st, that is my start date - I do not get my new day awarded to me until the next Jan 1st.
The holiday year can be adjusted in the settings.
Please see below for setting up and managing the LOS rules:
1. Go to Settings and into Calendar & Planner.
2. Into Event Manager to then click into the Holiday Rule(s)
3. You can now go to Edit or Create more rules - please note that if you have different value LOS rules for different users this is where you can set up more than one type of rule for LOS.
4. One you got to Edit or Create you can select WHO goes into the rule - for example you may have a LOS rule for the Drivers - ensure only the drivers role is listed in the rule
5. Once you go into the next screen you can see all holiday rules, scroll to the bottom to see the LOS section and set your rule.
You can do Days or Hours or Both. Again you can build as many rules as you need.
You can add as many lines as you need to a rule too, with the + Add More button