How to add a work pattern with a future effective date for new starters and calculate their holiday entitlement.
If the work pattern isn't already created, here is a link to the article explaining how to create and edit work patterns - Create & Edit Work Patterns
Step 1 - Go to the future starter profile from the 'People List' section by clicking on their name.
Step 2 - You will be taken into their profile and from here you need to go to their Planner.
Step 3 - Select the 'Settings' in the top right corner.
Step 4 Work Pattern - In the work pattern dropdown, click the correct work pattern for the employee.
Step 5 - Enter the full time hours (the contracted hours will populate based on the work pattern.
Step 6 Public Holiday Template - Select a public holiday template.
Step 7 - Chose from the following options:
Are public holidays included in their given holiday entitlement? - Yes/No
Automatically book public holidays that land on a working day? - Yes/No
Step 8 Holiday Year - Select the correct holiday year for your company (when do entitlements renew) e.g. January - December or April - March
Once you have selected all of the above items, click 'Next' in the top right corner. This will then present this screen where you can apply the effective date and any comments required.
Step 9 Entitlements - Once the information has been updated, you can add the entitlements.
When using the calculator for new starters, the system will use the start date and therefore you can calculate their entitlement correctly ahead of their start date.
Once you click 'Calculate' you will be presented with this screen.
Step 10 - Here you need to enter the 'Full Time Entitlement' (what a full time employee's entitlement is at the start of the holiday year).
As soon as you click out of the field, the calculation will take place.
You can see the systems calculation breakdown yourself by hovering over the
icon and it will display as so.
When you are done, select 'Use New Entitlement'
Step 11 - Once you've added the entitlement, select 'Next' in the top right.
When you're saving the planner settings for New Starters, the effective date will automatically populate as the employee's start date.