SenseHR makes it easy to request and manage holiday leave. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help employees book a holiday in the SenseHR system.
Step 1: Where to Book?
In the SenseHR browser application, an employee can book a holiday from 3 system areas, their dashboard, the company calendar and their planner in their profile.
Dashboard – You can book a holiday from your dashboard, with the widget just underneath ‘My ToDo’s’
From here you can view your current entitlement and click the ‘Book’ option to open a new holiday request from your dashboard.
Calendar – You can book a holiday and other event types from the company calendar in the left-hand navigation menu. Click the calendar tab and within the calendar screen select book in the top-right corner.
Click the calendar tab and within the calendar screen select book in the top-right corner.
The form will appear exactly like on the dashboard, the only difference will be the ‘Event’ dropdown selection where you choose the type of event you want to request.
Planner – You can also book holiday and all other event types from the planner in your profile. Navigate to your profile by clicking on your name in the top-right corner of the screen from any area in the system and selecting ‘Manage profile’ from the dropdown.
Once in your profile, select your planner from the left-hand navigation menu.
Once in your planner, you can select the ‘Book’ option on the right-hand side of the screen below the absence stats.
Just like with the calendar, in this area you do also have the ‘Event’ dropdown to choose your event type to request first, just select holiday/annual leave from the list or any other event type it is you are wishing to request to book.
Step 2: Day or Less/More than a day
Once you have selected ‘Holiday’ the next decision on the form (except for from the dashboard) is - will this be a day or less, or more than a day?
Once you select the relevant option here, you can then complete the rest of the form as required.
If you selected a day or less, the form pre-selects ‘All day’ as a default which will automatically apply the duration of your work pattern for that day (Unless you are on a ‘No Work Pattern’ in which case you will always enter the duration manually)
Untick the ‘All day’ selection to open the ‘Start time’ and ‘End time’ fields to be populated.
If you select ‘More than a day’ the fields below will chance to ‘Start date’ and ‘End date’ respectively.
Step 3: Add Any Relevant Notes
If your manager requires additional information or if you have specific requests, add it to the ‘Notes’ section.
Step 4: Submit the Request
Once you’ve selected your dates and added notes, click the "Add" button to submit to your manager for approval..
After submitting, the request goes to your line manager for approval. You’ll receive a notification once it’s reviewed.
Step 5: Track Your Holiday Status
You can see the status of your holiday request in the calendar as well as your personal planner displayed like so.