Step 1. Go to the ‘Vacancies’ tab within Sense ATS.
Step 2. Click the ‘Add’ option in the top right-hand corner.
Step 3. Complete the 3 sections, Vacancy Details, Hiring Team and Vacancy Advert.
3a. Vacancy Details.
Complete the required fields on this screen to proceed to the next section, any fields hidden from the applicant view are labelled as (hidden from advert).
Vacancy Name = The official name of the job role being applied for.
Description (hidden from advert) = The internal summary of the job for the hiring team.
**Note** This is not the job description that will be shared with the applicants on the job advert.
Location = Where the vacancy is based in terms of region or office.
Department = Which business department this role sits within.
Employment Type = What type of contract will this role be (e.g. Permanent, Casual, Fixed Term, Volunteer etc.)
Pay = The salary range or the pay rate range for the role. (This can be text only such as ‘Competitive’)
Shift/Schedule = The working/shift pattern, e.g. Flexible, Monday – Friday, Weekend Based, Nights, 4 On 4 Off etc.
Closing Date = The date this vacancy will be closed for applications.
Once you have completed the ‘Required’ fields on this screen as a minimum, you can then either ‘Save as draft’ and exit to return and complete another time, or you can proceed to the next screen by clicking ‘Next’.
If you save as a draft, you can return to complete the details in the ‘Vacancies’ tab.
If you click ‘Next’ you will proceed to the following screen to select your hiring team from the dropdown menu.
3b. Hiring Team.
You will only be able to select people who already have ATS permissions applied to their existing permission scheme, this will not grant access to a vacancy for them, simply notify them that they are now part of the hiring team for this new role being advertised.
Once again you can save as draft at this stage or proceed to the final screen by clicking next.
3c. Vacancy Advert.
Now you can write the full details of the vacancy advert and detailed job description information into the editor space.
You can use the toolbar at the top of the editor to format your text.
These include basic text formatting options, the ability to embed web URL’s such as your company website and images such as logos and other branding imagery.
A bonus feature for people on Sense AI means you can use AMI here to help create, edit, and refine the content you create here.
Here is a short video showing AMI carrying out this action.
Once you are happy with the content you have written in here and formatted fully and is ready to advertise, click 'Save'.
As soon as you save, you will see this screen pop up.
The vacancy link is the link applicants will use to view the job advert and apply. You can copy this from here to put into your posts on various job boards, linkedin posts etc and this will bring all applicant profiles back to your ATS under the 'Applicants' section.
You can also see this now added to the 'External Vacancies' section of the ATS.
If you want to advertise all vacancies including this one you have ust created, you can click the 'Vacancy Board' link from the 'Vacancies' screen.
Clicking this link will take you to 'External Vacancies' this is the Sense ATS job board for your company.