To complete a return to work process within SenseHR, follow these steps.
1. Record a sickness absence via the employee planner. This can either be raised through self service via the dashboard or can be recorded on the employee's behalf by a manager via the planner.
Employee self-service
As a manager
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2. Once the sickness has ended, a task will be generated in the 'To Do's' section to complete a return to work.
This is a two-step task where the employee is tasked to complete the first section, once the employee completes and saves the first section, the task will immediately be sent to the line manager to complete the second section.
3. The employee clicks into the task which will open the first section of the form to complete.
Once the employee has completed all mandatory sections and ticked the 'Confirmation' tick box at the bottom, the option to 'Sign' will then become available.
Once the employee clicks 'Sign' this will close their task and immediately task the manager with the second half of the form to complete this process.
4. The manager can now click into their 'Review Return to Work' task in their To Do's. When they open this task they can review all of the information the employee has provided, and then proceed to complete the Manager Section.
Once all mandatory items have been completed, they will then be able to 'Sign' and complete the task and therefore, the return to work process will be closed.