To bulk upload documents (including payslips):
Step 1: The documents need to be named how you’d like the document to show in the system.
Step 2: If you’d like the documents to automatically have a document category, you can enter the category before the name of the document with a hyphen like this:
[Document Category] – [Document Name].pdf
Note: If you do not want the document to have a category, don’t use hyphen’s in the document name
Note: Please do not enter more than one hyphen in the document name
Step 3: Documents need to be uploaded into individual folders per employee - these folders need to have the employees exact name
Step 4: Once you have the individual folders, please put them into a folder matching your company name
Step 5: Compress the company file is a zip file
Step 6: Email us at [email protected] with subject line: 'Request for a cloudfile link for document load'
Our Support Team will get back to you shortly with a secure link to provide the file.
Step 7: Once you have received the link from the Support Team, upload the files to the link and let us know when this has been done.
If you have a deadline for when these need to be loaded, please let us know and we will aim to meet this.